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ChocQuibTown’s Goyo Pens Open Letter on Black Lives Matter

ChocQuibTowns @GOYOCQT pens open letter on Black Lives Matter: “Speak up without fear of being criticized”
— billboard (@billboard) June 5, 2020
ChocQuibTown’s Gloria “Goyo” Martinez discusses racial injustices and systemic racism in latin-america and in the US, and the lack of education od the topic in the latin music industry.
Not many latin artists have spoken about George Floyd’s death but the afro-colombian singer was among the first latin artists to talk about the subject and is one of the few colombian artists who has talked about the death of Anderson Arboleda, a colombian black man who was killed by the colombian police for allegedly breaking the quarantine.
Goyo’s letter comes amid national outrage over the murders of Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and other black citizens who have died at the hands of police.
Latin Artists Show Support for Black Lives Matter: ‘The Black Community Needs Latin Voices to Speak Up’
In Latin America, I saw many posts about [read more]. I also saw how some included examples of dogs, racist jokes, among other things, knowing that we are multiracial and multi-ethnic countries. They would make comments saying that all colors are equal and that what matters is the human race.
The great reality is that there is no racial equality in the United States or Latin America. I saw many comments, hundreds of people normalizing the subject saying, “But this also happens to white people” […] “You are the racists by posting messages that only produce more pain.”
A few days ago, they murdered a young man named Anderson who, allegedly, was killed by a police officer who hit him on the head with a police baton. Not one media outlet covered the story. It was published after I denounced it on my social media. Recently, I gave my opinion about the topic on Twitter, and I dont care if I lose a racist follower[…]if I expose the case. I learned early on that if they want to know me, follow me, respect me or hear my voice, they should also respect where I come from.
I wonder if they know that racism is systemic, one that doesnt allow black people to have a voice. One that doesnt bring awareness to their deaths, that theyre killed with police batons or even in some instances, theyre killed just because they are black.
There are a few of us black artists who have been able to enter the Latin industry like us. First, we won a Grammy and then we were signed to a major label like Sony Music Latin, who in the middle of all thats happening, called us so that we can talk to them from our perspective and share our lived experiences so we can then know more about the topic and be part of the change.
It has been a big challenge and it takes time, effort and insolence. One time, a clothing brand once told me that black didnt sell well. Its because of this and many other reasons that we should speak up without taboo, without fear of the subject or without fear of being criticized for speaking about an issue that goes beyond borders.”
You can read the full letter at the source !
____I had to cut some parts of the letter because it’s a banned source so please, go to the source to read all of it, also if you could sign the petition to bring justice to Anderson Arboleda that will be great !

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