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Twitter will add warning labels to tweets with premature election results

Twitter previewed two different versions of the label, one that says “official sources have called this differently,” and another that reads “official sources may not have called this race when this was tweeted.” The label will appear underneath the tweets in users’ timelines, and as warning before they are able to be retweeted. (As with previous updates, the app is pushing users to Quote Tweet instead of Retweet.) The company says it will apply the labels “beginning on election night through the inauguration” and “will be prioritizing the presidential election and other highly contested races.” 
In terms of how Twitter will determine when election results are “official,” the company says it will rely on state election officials and national news outlets that have dedicated, independent election decision desks,” including: ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Decision Desk HQ, Fox News and NBC News. 
The update comes as Twitter has taken a number of steps to prepare for an uncertain election in which official results could be significantly delayed compared with previous years. The company has also taken steps to prepare for tweets that try to incite violence or interfere with the transfer of power after the more

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