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US election 2020: Why do different news sites have different tallies?

Why do different news sites have different tallies?
If you are seeing different tallies at the top of the live coverage from various news sites, you might well be confused.
This is because some news sites have projected wins in Arizona (meaning an extra 11 electoral college votes) and Wisconsin (10 electoral college votes) for Joe Biden.
The BBC still considers these too early to project.
This year, the BBC gets its data via Reuters, from polling firm Edison Research, which does the field work for the exit polls and works with US networks in the National Election Pool.
In Wisconsin, 99% of the votes have been counted, with the candidates neck and neck.
In Arizona, 85% of votes have been counted, and Biden is leading with 51% of the votes, with Trump on 48%.
The watch word this year is “patience”. Stay tuned and we will bring you updates as soon as we have more

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