President Joe Biden and his team have often been praised for their discipline and refusal to allow what they see as ankle-biting critics in the media to throw them off course. | Alex Wong/Getty Images
Bloomberg: Chaotic Scenes Grip Kabuls Airport, With Reports of Deaths: Desperate scenes played out at Kabuls international airport on Monday as thousands rushed to exit Afghanistan after Taliban fighters took control of the capital, with Reuters reporting at least five people were killed as people tried to forcibly enter planes leaving the country.
Citing witnesses, Reuters said it wasnt clear whether the victims died of gunshots or in a stampede at Hamid Karzai International Airport. Earlier it reported that U.S. forces fired in the air to prevent thousands of citizens from running onto the tarmac, the last remaining area under American control. Afghanistans aviation authority suspended flights out of the country and asked people not to rush to the airport. More from ReutersOne insane scene, via Middle East Eyes Ragp Soylu
HOURS EARLIER The Taliban took Kabul, occupied the presidential palace, and declared that the war is over. President ASHRAF GHANI left the country, while westerners and their Afghan partners are desperately trying to flee.
Biden authorized another 1,000 troops to Kabul, bringing the total to 6,000.
The State Department and Pentagonannounced they were completing a series of steps to secure the Hamid Karzai International Airport to enable the safe departure of U.S. and allied personnel from Afghanistan via civilian and military flights and that the United States will be taking over air traffic control.
A joint statement from the U.S. and dozens of allies warned the Taliban not to interfere with the evacuation effort.
The U.S. Embassy in Kabul advised Americans there to shelter in place.
AP: Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told senators on a briefing call Sunday that U.S. officials are expected to alter their earlier assessments about the pace of terrorist groups reconstituting in Afghanistan because officials believe terror groups like al-Qaida may be able to grow much faster than expected.
UNDERSTANDING BIDEN AND AFGHANISTAN: We have rarely seen a statement from President JOE BIDEN like the one he released on Saturday. It was almost Trump-like in its lack of diplomatic niceties, its casting blame on his predecessor and his refusal to give any quarter to critics who say he bungled the withdrawal. This follows comments in July when Biden mocked the idea that the Talbian could take over the country quickly highly unlikely, he said and bragged about the Afghan militarys superiority.
Biden and his team have often been praised for their discipline and refusal to allow what they see as ankle-biting critics in the media to throw them off course. That has often served Biden well. But now we see the flip side of those traits.
Last Tuesday at the White House, when Biden was in a celebratory mood after the Senate vote on infrastructure, he took a moment to remind the assembled reporters of all the times the media had proclaimed the bill dead.
I know a lot of people some sitting in the audience here didnt think this could happen, he said. This bill was declared dead more often than Then he trailed off and ended the thought with an anyway in the manner he does in recent years when he thinks hell be accused of going on too long.
Later, he admitted that he took time out of one of the most important days of his presidency to review a list of reporters who doubted him. I was just reading about 50 statements from very serious press people about how I my whole plan was dead from the beginning, he said.
Every biography or deep profile of Biden emphasizes his stubbornness, the chip on his soldier, his lifelong desire to prove doubters wrong whether it was overcoming a stutter, or demonstrating his intellectual bona fides or entering political contests the experts said he couldnt win. He ran for president more times than anyone who ended up making it to the White House. During the 2020 Democratic primaries he was belittled by the partys top strategists until he proved them all wrong with a come-from-behind victory that inculcated in him and his team a sense of superiority and an appetite for I-told-you-so moments (e.g. that list of 50 statements that someone in the White House actually took the time to compile and share with the president, who they must have known would appreciate it.)
This is what the right gets wrong about Biden. Many conservatives see Bidens Afghanistan blunder as evidence of a president who is detached and a plaything of his strongest advisers. Nothing could be further from the truth. In all of our reporting about Bidens presidential style, the evidence is stronger that hes a micro-manager, someone who was immersed in the details of the infrastructure bill, who wanted every decision brought into the Oval Office for his approval. On the Afghanistan pullout, he overruled his top military advisers and ignored the near-unanimous view of the Washington foreign policy establishment.
It wasnt a new position. While Biden championed nation building in Afghanistan in the early years of the war, he had turned against it long ago, as George Packer reported in The Atlantic earlier this year:
By the time Biden became vice president in 2009, the disastrous war in Iraq, the endemic corruption of the Afghan government, and the return of the Taliban had made him a deep skeptic of the American commitment. He became the Obama administrations strongest voice for getting out of Afghanistan. In 2010, he told RICHARD HOLBROOKE, Obamas special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, that the U.S. had to leave Afghanistan regardless of the consequences for women or anyone else. According to Holbrookes diary, when he asked about American obligations to Afghans like the girl in the Kabul school, Biden replied with a history lesson from the final U.S. withdrawal from Southeast Asia in 1973: Fuck that, we dont have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger got away with it.
A message from Climate Power:
A clean energy future is well within reach. All it will take is making sure big corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share. The climate crisis is here, American workers are ready for millions of clean energy jobs, now it’s just up to Congress to get it done. It’s time to build back better.
THE VIEW FROM THE WEST WING: We dont pretend to know whether Biden was right or wrong about the long-term impact of the fall of Kabul. But weve seen dramatic foreign policy events burn brightly and then fade from the political debate just as quickly. On the big question of the drawdown, the White House has no regrets. Events of the past few days have just reconfirmed that the POTUS decision to leave was right, a senior official told us last night. Can’t ask Americans to fight a civil war that the Afghan army refuses to fight.
On the question of whether the bungled evacuation effort can be salvaged, we see an administration quickly pivoting to fix the problem. Now we have to do the mission of securing the airport and get our people and allies and Afghan helpers out, the official said. Now that the airport has been secured, this official said they could move 5,000 people a day out of the country and finish the job in a matter of days hopefully.
Will this be a presidency-defining debacle that we are talking about for years to come? Or will it disappear from the front pages? The answer may depend on the success or failure of the currently chaotic American evacuation effort and how the Taliban respond to it.
On that note, this is a sobering quote from the WSJ: We are not at the worst point yet, said CARTER MALKASIAN, the author of a comprehensive history of the Afghan conflict who served as an adviser to former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. JOE DUNFORD. Now that the Taliban are moving into Kabul and overturning the democratic government we have been supporting for 20 years, it is highly likely they will seek to punish, and perhaps even execute, the Afghans who worked with us.
More from Natasha Korecki and Christopher Cadelago: Clearly botched: Biden White House under assault on Afghanistan drawdown
A message from Climate Power:
Americans want a clean energy future, good-paying jobs and a solution to the climate crisis. And they want big corporations to pay their fair share.
While team Biden is often unflappable in the face of bad news,the AP reports that the president and other top U.S. officials were stunned on Sunday by the pace of the Talibans nearly complete takeover of Afghanistan.
WaPos Anne Gearan and Cleve R. Wootson Jr. see POTUS statements about the situation as evidence of an increasingly defiant and defensive tone from Biden and his aides amid criticism that Biden is condemning a U.S. partner to brutal rule by Islamist fundamentalists and opening the door to new terrorist threats.
NYTs David Sanger on Bidens turn from domestic policy competence to foreign policy confusion: Mr. Biden will go down in history, fairly or unfairly, as the president who presided over a long-brewing, humiliating final act in the American experiment in Afghanistan. After seven months in which his administration seemed to exude much-needed competence getting more than 70 percent of the countrys adults vaccinated, engineering surging job growth and making progress toward a bipartisan infrastructure bill everything about Americas last days in Afghanistan shattered the imagery.
THE EVACUATION: Rushed Evacuation in Kabul Highlights Disconnect in Washington,by NYTs Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Lara Jakes
Saigon on Steroids: The Desperate Rush to Flee Afghanistan,by WSJs Yaroslav Trofimov, Dion Nissenbaum and Margherita Stancati: The lucky few were already inside, crowded onto the last patch of government territory that hadnt fallen to the Taliban. Outside, as thousands of civilians surged to break through the perimeter of Hamid Karzai International Airport, security forces fired gunshots into the air to force them back.
Inside the terminal, Afghans with small children sat dazed next to European special-forces operators with their sniper rifles and high-tech helmets equipped with night vision and infrared tags. Outside, the engines of helicopters and transport planes provided a steady, almost lulling, hum. Once in [a] while, groups of evacueesthe staff of the Indian embassy, or Bulgarian security contractorsdonned helmets and body armor and set off toward their plane.
Good Monday morning. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza, Tara Palmeri.
BIDENS MONDAY: The president is at Camp David and will receive the Presidents Daily Brief there.
INTRODUCING OTTAWA PLAYBOOK: Join the growing community of Politicos from lawmakers and leaders to pollsters, staffers, strategists and lobbyists working to shape Canadas future. Every day, our reporting team pulls back the curtain to shed light on whats really driving the agenda on Parliament Hill, the true players who are shaping politics and policy across Canada, and the impact it all has on the world. Dont miss out on your daily look inside Canadian politics and power. Subscribe to Ottawa Playbook today.
PHOTO OF THE DAY: Taliban fighters take control of the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country on Sunday, Aug. 15. | Zabi Karimi/AP Photo
MODERATES NOT MOLLIFIED, via WSJs Eliza Collins and Kristina Peterson: Passage of such a rule [to tie the infrastructure bill to the budget resolution] is expected to move the infrastructure bill forward procedurally, but not pass it, according to an aide to [Speaker NANCY] PELOSI. But in a statement Sunday night, the nine centrist House Democrats indicated Mrs. Pelosis suggestion didnt go far enough and they wanted to see the infrastructure bill passed before voting on the budget framework.
While we appreciate the forward procedural movement on the bipartisan infrastructure agreement, our view remains consistent: We should vote first on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework without delay and then move to immediate consideration of the budget resolution, the nine Democrats said in the joint statement.
More from Bloombergs Billy House and Emily Wilkins: House Democrats scheduled a caucus call for Tuesday at noon as they seek to resolve differences over the path forward and the sequencing of Bidens two-track approach.
PRESSURE BUILDS ON TARIFFS Corporate America grows impatient on Bidens China trade review,by Gavin Bade:Nearly eight months into his presidency, Americas largest corporations are voicing frustration that Biden has not rolled back any of former President Donald Trumps major tariffs, particularly the duties on $350 billion worth of Chinese imports.
Other than announcing a top-to-bottom China review in January, Bidens administration has given little indication how it will handle trade issues with its chief global rival. That has corporations leaning on Congress to pass relief on tariffs and trade restrictions this fall. If the Biden administration wants to make the case that they have a different approach, its time to lay out the strategy they have promised, said ANNA ASHTON, vice president at the U.S.-China Business Council, which represents more than 250 corporations that do business in both countries.
A SEA CHANGE IN THE GOP The GOP waves the white flag on the gay marriage wars, by Meridith McGraw: To mark the beginning of Pride Month this year, Republican National Committee chairwoman RONNA MCDANIEL did what party leaders do on these types of occasions: She sent out a tweet. Happy #PrideMonth! she wrote, @GOP is proud to have doubled our LGBTQ support over the last 4 years, and we will continue to grow our big tent by supporting measures that promote fairness and balance protections for LGBTQ Americans and those with deeply held religious beliefs.
Inside the RNC, the missive barely registered. But outside the building, those 265 characters prompted immediate backlash. Not just from Democrats, who accused her of disingenuousness, but from social conservatives too who furiously dialed up McDaniel with complaints.
McDaniels willingness to brush aside complaints would have been unthinkable not too long ago, Republicans say. The evangelical right remains the most committed part of the party and the Family Research Council leader is among its most powerful figures. But the GOP has, in recent years, undergone a quiet but consequential evolution: Party leaders still exhibit strong opposition to transgender rights, and oppose the top legislative priorities of the LGBTQ community. But on the most prominent battlefield of the past few decades, same-sex marriage, theyve all but conceded defeat.
2022 WATCH The next big existential fight for Democrats? Pennsylvania,by NBCs Henry Gomez, on the road with CONOR LAMB in Coudersport: What it means to be a Democrat in Pennsylvania is, really, the question of next years Senate primary. The Democrats who attended Lambs kickoff events tended to view him and [Lt. Gov. JOHN] FETTERMAN as the front-runners. Fetterman signaled this, too.
RECALL ME MAYBE California recall campaign hits high gear as Newsom tries to rally Democratic base,by the L.A. Times John Myers, Esmeralda Bermudez, Faith Pinho and Julia Wick: With voters beginning to receive ballots and election day less than a month away, Californias historic recall campaign kicked into high gear with Gov. GAVIN NEWSOM rallying the crucial labor and Latino vote and his Republican challengers stepping up their attacks.
The ground campaign is expected to be crucial in the coming weeks, with Democrats acknowledging they need a big turnout in the special election to blunt motivated Republicans.
A WIN FOR GREG ABBOTT Texas Supreme Court blocks local mask mandates,San Antonio Express-News: The all-Republican Texas Supreme Court on Sunday temporarily revived Gov. GREG ABBOTTs ban on local mask mandates, thwarting attempts by officials in Dallas and Bexar counties to implement COVID-19 restrictions as virus patients strain hospitals. The justices granted Abbotts request for an emergency stay that blocks lower court decisions allowing officials in those counties to require masks in schools or indoor spaces.
A message from Climate Power:
The climate crisis is here, American workers are ready, now it’s up to Congress.
BIG NEWS FOR LOW-INCOME AMERICANS Biden Administration Prompts Largest Permanent Increase in Food Stamps,by NYTs Jason DeParle: The Biden administration has revised the nutrition standards of the food stamp program and prompted the largest permanent increase to benefits in the programs history, a move that will give poor people more power to fill their grocery carts but add billions of dollars to the cost of a program that feeds one in eight Americans.
Under rules to be announced on Monday and put in place in October, average benefits will rise more than 25 percent from prepandemic levels. All 42 million people in the program will receive additional aid. The move does not require congressional approval, and unlike the large pandemic-era expansions, which are starting to expire, the changes are intended to last.
CLIMATE FILES Cost to Bury Carbon Near Tipping Point as Emissions Price Soars,by Bloomberg Greens Rachel Morison and Samuel Etienne: With carbon more than doubling in the past year and prices set to reach 100 euros ($118) as soon as the middle of this decade, capture technology finally is going mainstream as governments push to reach net zero.
KNOWING TORI COOPER Meet Tori Cooper, the 1st Black trans woman on the presidential HIV council,by NBCs Jo Yurcaba: Cooper said one of her priorities as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS is to be a voice for trans people.
THREAT LEVEL Homeland Security Considers Outside Firms to Analyze Social Media After Jan. 6 Failure,by WSJs Rachael Levy: The effort, which remains under discussion and hasnt received approval or funding, would involve sifting through large flows of internet traffic to help identify online narratives that might provide leads on developing attacks, whether from home or abroad.
JOHN COHEN, a top DHS official, is spearheading the project, which he describes as part of an upgrade to the departments capabilities in social-media analysis. Mr. Cohens push has sparked internal debates in DHS and elsewhere in the Biden administration over longstanding tensions between civil liberties and security efforts. Some officials in the agency and the White House worry about governmental overreach.
BOOK CLUB In Backlash to Racial Reckoning, Conservative Publishers See Gold,by NYTs Elizabeth Harris: Blackout, by the right-wing media personality CANDACE OWENS, has sold 480,000 copies across formats since it was published last fall American Marxism, by the best-selling author MARK R. LEVIN, which devotes a chapter to critical race theory, sold 400,000 books in just its first week on the market last month.
There are still a lot more books exploring race in America from the left than from the right. But publishing moves slowly, and widespread outrage over critical race theory is relatively new. So far, conservative independent presses generally havent been able to compete in terms of advances they can offer authors. What they offer instead is sometimes a profit-sharing model, along with an assurance that a book wont be canceled because of outrage on Twitter or among publisher staff.
BEN SMITHS NYT COLUMN Youve Never Heard of the Biggest Digital Media Company in America,with an Indian Land, S.C., dateline: Red Ventures, which started as a digital marketing company, has attracted serious investments from private equity firms. Its location has helped obscure what is perhaps the biggest digital publisher in America, a 4,500-employee juggernaut that says it has roughly $2 billion in annual revenues, a conservative valuation earlier this year of more than $11 billion, and more readers, as measured by Comscore, than any media brand youve ever heard of an average of 751 million visits a month.
I felt as if I were back in the Ping-Pong days of Silicon Valley in the early 2000s. Red Ventures has built a culture that blends warm enthusiasm, progressive social values and the ruthless performance metrics of the direct marketing business. The company found itself in the publishing business almost by accident, and is now leading a shift in that industry toward what is sometimes called intent-based media a term for specialist sites that attract people who are already looking to spend money in a particular area (travel, tech, health) and guide them to their purchases, while taking a cut.
SUBSCRIBE TO “THE RECAST” TODAY: Power is shifting in Washington and in communities across the country. More people are demanding a seat at the table, insisting that politics is personal and not all policy is equitable. The Recast is a twice-weekly newsletter that explores the changing power dynamics in Washington and breaks down how race and identity are recasting politics and policy in America. Get fresh insights, scoops and dispatches on this crucial intersection from across the country and hear critical new voices that challenge business as usual. Don’t miss out, SUBSCRIBE. Thank you to our sponsor, Intel.
STAFFING UP Charles Shaw is now director of legislative affairs at FEMA. He most recently was counsel for the House Homeland Security emergency preparedness subcommittee.
TRANSITIONS Gaby Hurt is now press secretary for Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.). She most recently was press secretary for the House Foreign Affairs GOP, and is a Trump White House and Marco Rubio alum. Ashley Gunn is now a public policy manager for legislative affairs at Coinbase. She previously was senior adviser for Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.). Sarah Monte and Amanda Qualls have launched Amethyst Operations, a boutique operations consultancy. Monte most recently was systems director for Bidens inaugural committee and is a Biden and Pete Buttigieg campaign alum. Qualls previously was national human resources director for the Buttigieg campaign.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Don Bacon (R-Neb.) Business Roundtables Josh BoltenJen CytrynMichael Grunwald Ramesh PonnuruJack Quinn of Manatt … Voter Participation Centers Tom LopachLisa GravesErin Casey French Axios Danielle Jones Chris Golden … Dave DenHerder … Steve Abbott … Neil McKiernan … Tom Anfinson (8-0) Rick ChessenAdam HershKarly Moen Michael K. LaversSeth ColtonJane ElizabethJerry Hagstrom of the Hagstrom Report/National Journal Justin (JP) GriffinStacey Daniels Options Clearing Corporations Jim Hall … Sol LevineBen Brody Edelmans Tyson GreavesGrant RumleyEllen WeissfeldMarshall Cohen former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (D-Ill.) Steve DembyMatt Silverstein former Reps. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Dick Zimmer (R-N.J.), Rick Berg (R-N.D.) and Gary Myers (R-Pa.) Tricia MoffattMatt SpenceDean ThompsonMeg SullivanAbe Adams of Targeted Victory POLITICOs Dominick Pierre
Send Playbookers tips to [email protected]. Playbook couldnt happen without our editor Mike Zapler, deputy editor Zack Stanton and producers Allie Bice, Eli Okun and Garrett Ross.
A message from Climate Power:
The climate crisis is here, American workers are ready to get to work in clean energy jobs, and it’s time for Congress to make sure that we build back better.
We can get it done by making sure big corporations and the ultra wealthy pay their fair share, without costing everyday Americans a penny more in taxes.
Investing in clean energy jobs will not only create millions of jobs in cities, suburbs, and rural communities across America — 75 percent of which won’t require a college degree — it will also save Americans millions of dollars by lowering electricity bills.
Already, builders, roofers, painters, engineers and electricians, autoworkers, accountants, administrators, researchers and teachers across the country are working hard at clean energy jobs — working to create a cleaner, safer, more just and prosperous America.
It’s time to get to work. Congress, let’s get it more
POLITICO Playbook: Biden’s stubborn streak paved the way for havoc in Afghanistan